Wednesday, December 3, 2014

On the second day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas - Day 2
400 words
Theme: It's a Wonderful Life
Something with bells. Not Angels. Relates to Demons and or Gargoyles
Charlie Brown

Day 2

In Saint Andrews Cathedral the temperature is a bit chill and breezy, yet comfortable. The weather outside is fierce and can be heard howling through the church’s thick walls. A cabinet opens and simultaneously the head of a young boy appears.
The young boy hops out after making sure the coast is clear. He walks up to an alcove in the side of the grand hall and eyeballs a collection of hanging bells. He grabs one of the candle extinguishers from the wall and slowly starts taping the bells and makes the hall echo with their sweet chiming.
He lays his head over his folded arms on the table. His eyes stay fixed on the bells, even as a large shadow starts growing over him. A grough voice demands, “What are YOU doing here?”
The young boy turns around lazily and stares up at his challenger, a large man sized gargoyle with oversized wings and a typically grotesque face. The boy thumbs towards the front of the hall. “I hid out again. Also, I’d like to do something for Father Malloy. If that’s okay.”
The gargoyle kneels down and grins with a full faced snarl. “What’d you have in mind, Albert?”
Shortly after the hall has gargoyles of various sizes running about. Albert is directing them and sorting various decorations they bring.
The large gargoyle sets a tall hat stand in the center. “Will this work?”
Albert nods energetically. “Thanks Chad. Now just hang the lights and circle it with the garland…”
A short gargoyle with an abundant belly hobbles over with an armful of junk. “Look! I’s finds pretties!”
Chad chuckles. “He thinks anything shiny is a bauble to collect…”
A loud screeching comes from outside. Shortly after a granite bulldog comes scampering up to Albert.
Albert kneels down. “Stella? What’s in your mouth?”
Stella lets a mouthful of red slowly falls to the floor in a blob of drool. Chad stares at it and says with a growl, “An Imp’s wing…”
Albert slowly backs into Chad, who wraps his wing around Albert and says with a snarl, “Don’t worry. You are safe in here… Gargoyles are destined to drive off demons, you know.”
Albert looks up and smiles through his obvious fear. “It’s nice to have someone who cares about me.” He looks down as he says softly, “Most don’t. Like I’m Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree or something…”

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