Wednesday, December 3, 2014

On the third day of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas - Day 3
400 words
Theme: Love Actually
Alan Rickman
The Song: Christmas is all Around by Billy Mack

Day 3

For Billy, Christmas was the worst. Being a dark, moody, Gothic personality, he prefers Halloween. “Christmas cheer” made him nauseous. That, and the fact he never got what he really wanted. So, all in all, it was a waste of energy. This year, however, Billy got exactly what he wanted for Christmas.
When he came downstairs that morning, he found his family already watching tv. He pilfered his chosen candy cane, blue and white, and snooped over their shoulders.
The tv zips from one scene of horrors to another in a montage of riots. The tic bar at the bottom streams random numbers with casualty estimates.
Billy slurps his candy. “What movie’s this?”
His mother turns around while holding his sister tightly to her and tears in her eyes. “It’s not a movie… this is LIVE.”
Billy looks back as the view switches to a reporter at a blockade. Police fire into groups of people, who don’t seem to care. The police get quickly overrun, and the reporter bolts, as the cameraman films the officers turned to meatfetti.
His mother shrieks and covers her daughter’s eyes, “Don’t look!”
Billy nearly drops his candy as he sees one of the people. Most of their abdomen is missing and they hobble as quickly as their mangled legs can carry them. Billy says quietly, “Zombies…” He shrugs and says off-handedly. “They shoulda shot’em in the head…”
His sister shrieks, “Oh No! Isn’t that Alan Rickman?”
“Who?” their mother questions.
Billy shakes his head. “Of course the fan-girl is going to know who SNAPE is… Don’t worry… he’s practically undead anyway… they won’t bother him…” A few seconds later Billy is shown just how wrong he is. “Whoda thunk it…” His sister screams out in dismay, as her O.T.P. is overrun.
His friend, Johnny, comes in and plops down on the floor. He unzips his duffle and shows off an array of weaponry. Johnny hand’s Billy a Katana. “Ready to play whack-a-corpse?”
Johnny taps his mp3 player and it chimes, “I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my tooes-“ Johnny slaps it off.
Billy stands aghast. “What’s THAT?!”
“Sorry… Mom used it for a holiday mix… here.” Johnny hits the button again and it roars, “Let the bodies hit the floor!”
Billy squeals, “Best Christmas EVER!” Then screams as they run out of the house. “Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOOORRR!”

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